Sane SAN 2010 – Introduction

This year at the UKOUG Conference in Birmingham, acceptance permitting, I will present the successor to my original Sane SAN whitepaper first penned in 2000. The initial paper was spectacularly well received, relatively speaking, mostly because disk storage at that time was very much a black box to DBAs and a great deal of mystique surrounded its operation. Well, nothing much has changed on that front, so I figured it was very much time to update/rewrite the paper for modern technology and trends and try to impose my occasionally humble opinion on the reader ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve already an article on this blog that will form part of the paper, and I will write a few more over the next few weeks. Check out this one, and keep an eye on my blog for the next few weeks. The first one out the bag is “Serial to Serial – When One Bottleneck Isn’t Enough.”

If the UKOUG don’t accept it, I’ll post it on the Scale Abilities website anyway, and try to palm it off on some other conferences in 2011 ๐Ÿ™‚

Explore posts in the same categories: Oracle, Performance, SaneSAN2010, Storage

3 Comments on “Sane SAN 2010 – Introduction”

  1. Debra Says:

    Guess that is a threat then. Better make sure you get in

  2. […] are just about to die from a DB perspective*, James Morle is going at them again with a series of Sane SAN 2010 articles. This is following his well received 2001 paper on the same topic, when even good DBAs had […]

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